May 04, 2023
How snore stopping affects the animal kingdom
Snoring has plagued the human condition for as long as people have slept. But humans are certainly not the only snorers in the animal kingdom. Mammals in general are known to snore, and even a hummingbird can snore.
Do Animals Need Snore Relief?
Small animals of prey may benefit from snore relief to hide their presence from predators who are searching for their next meal. If all animals stopped snoring, nearby family members would likely be in deep slumber in the silence and therefore may not hear or smell a predatory intruder. Other animals, such as bears, have little to fear by signaling their whereabouts during hibernation because of their size and strength. Even with a well-ventilated cave that allows the bear’s snoring melodies to waft through the forest, few critters would dare take a bite. In the case of the hedgehog, snoring helps perpetuate the species because hedgehogs snore, snort, and grunt loudly while making love. We wouldn’t want to fit a CPAP on a hedgehog. Like people, animals that gain weight tend to snore more than when they were slim and trim. The added fat storage enables bears, for example, to survive months of hibernation; fat is a great source of fuel during the slow breathing of slumber. Next time your friend or spouse comments on your burgeoning belly, just remind them that you could survive much longer without food than their “skinny butt” could.
Some “snore guards” are living, breathing family members
Evolutionary scientists argue that only predatory animals who snore should have survived because their snoring would invoke fear in other critters and warn them to stay away; however, that makes sense if the listener is able to distinguish between the snores of a grizzly bear and those of a hedgehog or kitty cat; and that takes experience or learning from the wise elders of the group. Other evolutionists postulate that both prey and predatory snorers have survived because the snoring kept a family member (snore guard) awake enough to stand vigilant to warn and protect, in case of predatory threat; however, if you live alone, you have to depend on other strategies for security. This article will recommend the best snoring solutions for managing snoring among humanoids only; for technology has not yet emerged to curb the snoring of animals such as elephants, lions, or bunny rabbits. And I don’t think there’s a strong enough bear tranquilizer to get me to insert a nasal dilator or anti-snore mouth guard to the face of a bear.
Best anti-snore devices
Now, if we turn our attention to the most sophisticated member of the animal kingdom—homosapien sapiens—the reasons to prevent snoring far outweigh the benefits of snoring. After all, who hasn’t wanted to throw a shoe at the person who is shaking the walls of the house at night? Leaving the room is, of course, a more amicable solution; but what if there isn’t another comfortable alternative? People are much better off to eliminate snoring, especially considering that snoring can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, sore throats, and even TMJ issues, not to mention, restless sleep. An over-the-counter device that stops snoring can work wonders and is much less expensive than a prescribed one from a dentist; though it, too, can work effectively. So, unless you’re a bear or a hedgehog, get yourself an OTC snore guard that you can custom fit at home.